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Missing 40 Trail

Come Hike the Missing 40!

The Missing 40 is a trail along the North Pacolet River, ideal for picnicking, relaxing, and water play in warm weather. Access to the trail is along Pearsons Falls Road below the tunnel under the railroad tracks and it is open year-round.

The Mystery of the Missing 40

​The Missing 40 has a fascinating history. In 1947, Nancy Barnett’s father, Ed Leland, bought 70 acres from Plyna Pace, who had acquired it from Lawrence and Irene Russell the year before. However, Leland’s survey revealed only 30 acres, leaving 40 acres unaccounted for. It wasn’t until 2005, after surveying adjoining properties, that the missing 40 acres on both sides of the Pacolet River were discovered. This revelation came after extensive research at the Polk County Register of Deeds.​

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​This steep 40-acre parcel along the Pacolet River was part of the 1919 division of the James Pace Estate. An heir inherited this land along with an acre on Greenville St. In 1927, the Bank of Saluda acquired the 40 acres. After the Depression, a man bought the land from the bank, harvested the timber, and then transferred it to the Town of Tryon. Likely, descendants of the original Pace heirs were unaware of the land's loss and sold it, along with 30 adjoining acres, to Ed Leland. Tryon, having no use for the land, forgot about it. It wasn't until Barry Butler, Assoc. surveyed the surrounding properties that the ownership of the Missing 40 was clarified. The Missing 40 is now found and ready for you to explore!


The work of Saluda Community Land Trust is made possible through the generous donations of our community partners, volunteers, and private donors. Donate today, so that we may continue to serve Saluda through connecting people, land, and community.

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